Thursday, October 06, 2005


Ok I know I don't post here as much as I'd like ...Especially since the truth is that Ghetto is all around us....

I had to share this true story from my visit back home...(Brooklyn NY)

My sister came to pick me up at the airport exasperated. Apparently a young woman on the subway who appeared to be fine...Suddenly began to roll her eyes in the back of her head and just as suddenly a the floor. This poor young woman then defecated and urinated on herself... several frantic minutes later, while passengers were trying to notify the conductor and get the train to stop and call an ambulance - the woman came to. She had no idea what had just happened to her, and as one could only imagine, she was thoroughly embarrassed.

It's was bad enough that this woman...obviously ill and understandably feeling mortified as she sat in her own urine and feces...had to put up with on lookers that did not even give her the respect of turning away....Why did one "ghetto" woman have to scream out "EWWWW THAT B** JUST *#&$(MADE ON) HERSELF!"

...Why? Why? Why?...

People are taking "ghetto" to a whole new level ya'll...and that's just "ill".